“While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.”

— Angela Schwindt

Northern Neuropsychology

Parenting is a tough journey. There are unanticipated pressures and unmet expectations. While families and kids are trying their hardest, sometimes help is needed. We approach each family with care during trying times. We strive to help families move in the direction that is not necessarily the most traveled but the one that is right for them.

Neuropsychological and Psychological Testing

Dr. Nicole Kassissieh is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist with a primary focus on Pediatric Neuropsychological Assessments. A comprehensive Neuropsychological Evaluation includes assessments of Psychological/Social-Emotional (Projective Testing), Developmental, Executive Functioning/Memory, Cognitive and Academic realms. Such testing can be invaluable in helping you and your child better understand learning style or other factors affecting behavior. Reports can also be shared with Schools (for IEP development or Accommodations) and/or Therapists and Psychiatrists.

If testing has been completed recently, Dr. Kassissieh is available to review the assessments, treatment plans or Individual Education Plans in order to provide written recommendations. In addition, testing for Extended Time on Standardized Tests or for College Accommodations is available for college-age students.

Finally, consultation and supervision with other professionals; talks with students, teachers or parents; and, consultation about the need for testing are available.

  • “All kids need is a little help, a little hope, and someone who believes in them”

    Magic Johnson

  • “Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work.”

    C.S. Lewis